
Intellectual Property

Patent Marking Notification

This page includes patents linked to the corresponding Brayniacs LLC products. Brayniacs LLC does not mark all of its patents.


Brayniacs LLC takes the protection and enforcement of our registered and non-registered intellectual property seriously. This page is intended to serve as notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).

Intellectual property relating to Wad-Free® and variants thereof includes, but is not limited to, the following:


US Patents

US Patent #11,078,621, US Patent #11,608,585, U.S. Patent #11,649,584, U.S. Patent #11,732,400, U.S. Patent #11,982,043, U.S. Patent #12,043,951 

Other patents pending. 

EU Patents



UK Patents




Registered trade marks, trade mark applications or other trade mark rights

Registered US Trademark #6,232,259

International Registered Trademark Number 1669122 in Japan, UK, EU, Mexico.

Other trademarks pending. 



All material (including but not limited to images, text, and videos) on our website, packaging, promotional materials, third party marketplaces, and social media is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without our express written consent. An exception to requiring our express written consent is provided to media for their use of our images, video or other copyright materials in news publications.

Our copyrighted material includes, but are not limited to, those shown on the product pages, the home page, our blogs, our social media, product packaging, product inserts, third party marketplace listings, and other pages, and those shown below.


Wad-Free logo The W in Wad looks like a blue twisted sheet unravelling as it drapes over the word Wad-Free
Photo of a blue package and two white Wad-Free squares
Two White Wad-Frees attached to a blue fitted sheet and a blue flat sheet
A hand holding two white Wad-Frees on a blue background
A wicker basket holding grey sheets with White Wad-Frees attached sitting on the floor with a washer and dryer in the background
Two hands holding two grey sheets with white Wad-Frees attached coming out of a clothes dryer
Wad-Free for Blankets & Duvet Covers Product packaging in vivid orchid and white. The white round product sits next to it
White round Wad-Free for Blankets & Duvet Covers attached in eight locations to a purple plush blanket
Wad-Free Inventor Cyndi Bray holds two patented products in front of an open clothes dryer
More uses for Wad-Free include pairing socks and air-drying
More uses for Wad-Free include pairing socks and pinning pads into bras
Wad-Free Inventor Cyndi Bray with blanket and duvet cover version attached to a teal blanket in the dryer


Wad-Free right way and wrong way photos showing how to attach it properly with green and red sheets 

Wad-Free two options to attach fitted sheets at the elastic edge and an alternate at the corner pocket seam


Saves Time, Money, Energy, and Sanity Graphic Icons. Time is depicted with a clock, Money with a dollar sign, Energy with an electric plug, and Sanity with a cartoon character's head exploding


All logos, graphics, photographs, product images, packaging, inserts, videos, product listings, and social media posts are Copyright 2020-2024 Brayniacs LLC All Rights Reserved


Updated July 23, 2024