Contact: Cyndi Bray, Brayniacs LLC
Denver Entrepreneur Launches New Product Solving Age-Old Laundry Problem
[Denver, CO, June 5, 2020] Brayniacs, LLC announces the new Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets, an innovative, affordable, reusable laundry gadget that prevents laundry from twisting, tangling, and balling-up in the washing machine and dryer. Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets is available for purchase immediately at wadfree.com. The product solves a ubiquitous, annoying problem encountered frequently by over a hundred million American households that costs consumers time, money, and energy.
Wads can cause top-loading washers to go off-balance, which requires consumers to untangle their wet laundry in order to complete the cycle. Often they must also reposition the appliance as it shimmies itself away from the wall. Wads in the washer also hinder adequate cleaning of the load. Wads in the dryer simply do not dry, forcing consumers to shake out the contents — often multiple times — then re-run the cycle to achieve dry laundry. Since the dryer uses more energy than any other household appliance, this procedure is costly.
Research shows that 89% of consumers experience wads when washing and/or drying their bedding — a problem that increased significantly as appliance manufacturers introduced high-capacity, high efficiency, and Energy Star models.
Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets allows consumers to run loads at capacity, and to run mixed loads. Using the product, laundry dries up to 75% faster. These actions save consumers time, money, energy, and water, in addition to laundry detergent, dryer sheets, and wear-and-tear on appliances. Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets works in all washers and dryers, works on any size sheet, is safe for machines and fabric following fabric care instructions and product instructions, is reusable, is constructed using "safe" plastics, and is made in Denver, Colorado USA.
Brayniacs LLC was founded to solve the ubiquitous laundry problem of wadding — which costs consumers time, money and energy — and to have a positive impact on the environment and other social causes. This patent-pending product will change the way laundry is done across the nation.
Brayniacs LLC has formed a charitable co-venture with the American Brain Tumor Association. At least five percent of profits will be donated to the ABTA.
About Brayniacs LLC:
Brayniacs LLC is a consumer product company based in Denver, CO. Founded in 2020, Brayniacs invented and manufactured the first consumer product to solve the age-old laundry problem of the laundry wad with their ingenious wad preventer, the Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets.
Cyndi Bray
Brayniacs LLC
Facebook @WadFree